HHCA General Condo Meeting – December 14, 2022
Call to Order at 7PM
Roll Call: Dennis Bush, Lucy MacDonald, Steve Papp, Janet Sassano and Denise Healy.
Treasurer’s Report:
Reserves $ 50,280.66
Checking $ 16,792.38
Savings $ 25,675.20
CD’s $ 36,070.91
Total $128,819.15
Old Business – from November 2022
- Budget: The 2023 budget, which includes a 3% increase, was presented and was approved overwhelmingly by the attending residents.
- Trash Room: Recently, Eagle Equipment serviced our compactor twice. Our compactor is more than twenty years old and certain parts are no longer available. Therefore, Eagle recommended we replace our compactor. We will be exploring bids for a new compactor in 2023.
- Drain cleaning: Kitchen drains will be cleaned on Friday, December 16. Reminder notices will be posted on the building.
New Business
- Gutters: Gutters should be cleaned by the end of the year.
- Cat Litter: We are disappointed to report that cat litter was thrown down our trash chute. This was disrespectful to our building since Ed had the unfortunate job of cleaning it up. Cat litter can cause damage to our compactor. A reminder, per our By-Laws, you may not have any pets.
- Keeping Up Appearances: In our common areas: lobby, laundry rooms, (spilled detergent), trash rooms, and stairways, (any spilled liquids), please clean up after yourselves.
- Reminders: As directed by the Township Fire Marshall, residents may not keep personal items outside their units. Attached to the minutes, is a memo with information on removing personal items. Also, per By-Laws, no live Christmas trees are permitted.
- Remembering: We want to acknowledge and remember three residents who recently
passed away: Maureen Bruno, (October), Joyce Lyman, (November), and Irene Schillinger, (December). They will be missed. - Thank you: Thank you to Dennis Bush who has, again, provided us with beautiful landscaping on the Rite Aid side of the building.
- Farewell: Thank you to Lucy Macdonald for her much appreciated time on the Board. Please put a note in the condo box, if you are interested in learning more about your condo board.
- Comments:
- A resident asked who is responsible for maintenance for a balcony. After the meeting, the Board felt this issue should be tabled.
- A question on how often, in the past, the monthly condo fees have been raised. Over past years,there was not always a pattern to the increases.
- Christmas Party: We are happy to say that the annual Christmas Party, given by Denise and Bart Healy, is back in the lobby. It will be on Wednesday, December 28th, from 5 PM to 7 PM. Please join us to mingle with your neighbors and enjoy lots of dinner food and plenty of desserts.
- January meeting: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18th at 7:00 PM.
Move to adjourn at 7:25 by Dennis Bush and seconded by Denise Healy