HHCA Board of Trustees
The day to day oversight of Heather House is performed by the HHCA Board of Trustees. Five residents are elected for 3-year terms. If you are interested in serving on the Board, complete an application form, which is found on the lobby bulletin board after the September meeting, and give it to a Board member before the October meeting.
The HHCA Board of Trustees manages the Heather House complex. This oversight includes facility maintenance of the building, pool area, and parking lot. The Board also collects condo fees and manages Heather House’ finances. Over the years they’ve formulated regulations regarding common-area aesthetics and courtesy. Board members are your point of contact for day-to-day issues. A list of current Board members with their contact details is on the bulletin board. Each year a list of the new Board will be posted.
Email the Secretary at heatherhousecondos@gmail.com
Denise M. Healy, President (Unit 8) 856-906-8852
Steve Papp, Vice-President (Unit 33) 856-833-1390
Janet Sassano, Treasurer/Secretary (Unit 40) 856-858-0955
Liddy Tuleja, Adjunct