Odds and Ends
Odds and Ends – January 6, 2025
- Happy New Year to all of our Heather House residents.
- On Thursday, January 2nd, the gutters were cleaned by Storm Gutters.
- Our Christmas party was an opportunity to enjoy delicious food and time with fellow residents.
- Please note, when snow is predicted, the three visitor spots next to the pool are used for snow removal. Please do not park in these spaces when orange cones are placed in those spots.
- Laundry room: When leaving the laundry room, the lights should always be turned off. If no one is in the laundry room, the lights should never be on. Please, collect your laundry in a timely manner, so others can use the machines. Also, collect all of your clothes from the dryer. Thank you.
- Just a reminder, per the By-Laws, please do not put any decorations or obstructions, on windows or sliding glass doors.
- Wednesday, January 15, at 7:00 PM, in the lobby, is our next condo meeting
Odds and Ends – December 9, 2024
- A state inspector and Ace Elevator technician were here on Wednesday morning, Dec. 4th. Our elevator passed the State’s annual pressure test.
- Kitchen drain cleaning is scheduled for this Friday, Dec. 13th. Remember, when the drains are being cleaned, do not turn on the water in your kitchen sink. Notices will be posted on the bulletin board and side entrances.
- Weather permitting, the gutters will be cleaned in January.
- December 18, is our next condo meeting. The proposed 2025 budget will be voted on, for approval, by a show of hands, by those present at the meeting. If you cannot attend, your vote, with your unit number, can be placed in the condo box.
- Soon, our lobby will be decorated for the holidays, with our Christmas tree and seasonal items.
- Annual Heather House Christmas Party is on Saturday, December 28th at 5:00 PM in the lobby. Please join us for a delicious dinner and delectable desserts.
Odds and Ends – November 4, 2024
- Urbano Electric did maintenance on the fans in the attic on Tuesday October 29th.
- Apex Exterminating will service three units a month. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.
- On Friday, November 8, Fresh Foam will clean rugs on all three floors. Reminder notices will be posted.
- To identify your laundry card, it is recommended you put your unit number in permanent marker on your card. It can be easily returned, if it is left in the laundry room.
- Yesterday, we had our yearly opportunity to turn back our clocks adding one hour to our day. Extra time is always appreciated.
- Reminders from past Odds/Ends include the following:
- The cabinet on the right side of the fireplace contains books to borrow or donate.
- Live Christmas trees are not permitted.
- Please notify a board member when moving furniture in/out of our building. Protective wall coverings need to be placed on the walls of the elevator. Thank you.
- Our next Condo meeting is November 20th at 7:00 PM. The proposed 2025 budget will be presented. A copy of the budget will be included with the delivery of the minutes. We will vote on the 2025 budget at the December meeting.
Odds and Ends – October 8, 2024
- A leak in a pool pipe is being investigated. When completed, the pool cover will be installed.
- Reminders from past Odds/Ends include the following:
- A display board is located on the left side wall of the first-floor stairwell. Residents can post any items for sale/give away on it. It is for internal use only.
- The front doors, opening to the mailboxes, should always be closed. These doors should not be propped open except for moving in/out of Heather House.
- Only toilet paper can be thrown down the toilet. Wipes, tissues, swifter sheets or any similar item cannot be discarded in the toilet.
- We will continue, in future Odds/Ends, with helpful past information relating to the maintenance of Heather House.
- FYI – “Lights Out” concert, this Thursday, October 10, (7 PM start), A tribute to Frankie Valli and more. Jack Curtis Stadium at Cooper River Park.
- Our next condo meeting is Wednesday, October 16, at 7:00 PM, in the lobby.
Odds and Ends – August 20th, 2024
August Financial Update:
Reserves $ 44,387.98
Checking $ 17,015.66
Savings $ 12,993.07
CD’s $ 36,923.47
Total $ 111,321.18
- During routine water quality testing, a contamination issue was discovered with the water in our pool. We engaged our pool testing vendor to shock the water to acceptable levels. Our objective is always to have the well-being of our residents as a priority. We received notification to open the pool on Tuesday, August 13. Signs were posted in the building. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience until the matter was reconciled.
- Our trash chute and dumpsters were cleaned/disinfected by Fresh Foam on Friday, August 2. Thank you for your cooperation during this maintenance project.
- Thank you all, again, for your positive teamwork, when our main water valves were replaced on July 15th. Water in the building was shut off until the job was completed.
- Weather permitting, parking lot numbers will be painted this week on an as needed basis. Cars can remain parked in their spots.
- Please removed any/all window and door holiday decorations.
- There will not be a Sales Tax Holiday, this year. However, from August 26 through September 2, New Jersey transit will be free. The Atlantic City train is included in this promotion.
- Our September condo meeting is Wednesday, September 18, in the lobby, at 7PM.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Odds and Ends – July 9th, 2024
July Financial Update:
Reserves $ 44,340.93
Checking $ 21,403.58
Savings $ 11,681.64
CD’s $ 36,796.93
Total $ 114,223.08
- Our pool received a Satisfactory evaluation on Friday, June 28th. An inspector from the County completes a Pool/Recreation Bathing Inspection Report. A copy of the certificate will be posted on the pool bulletin board. Thank you to Steve Papp and his “Poolsqua” for their dedication and coordination in maintaining the successful operation of our pool.
- On Friday, July 12th, the kitchen drains will be cleaned. Neel Plumbing arrives between 8-9AM and finishes by 1:30-2 PM. Remember: when the drains are being cleaned, you cannot use the water in your kitchen sink. Reminder notices will be posted on the bulletin board and side entry doors.
- As was mentioned in the May 15th condo minutes, the main shut off water valves in the basement will be replaced. The date is coordinated between the Township and Neel Plumbing. Water in the building will be shut off until the procedure is completed. We were notified that this job may occur the week of July 15-19 or July 22-26. When a date and time are confirmed, notification will be provided.
- Please remove any/all window and door holiday decorations.
- On Friday, August 2, Fresh Foam will do their bi-yearly maintenance on our trash chutes and dumpsters. Notices will be posted.
- As directed by the Township Fire Marshall, please remove any objects/mats outside your doorway. For those residents who received a storage unit notice, please bring your unit into compliance. We will be re-inspected by the Fire Marshall in the coming weeks.
- Please welcome Josh Diamond to Heather House.
- We do not have condo meetings in July or August.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Odds and Ends – June 7, 2024
- Our sparkling pool water welcomed residents to the 2024 season on Saturday, May 25. Each unit owner received a pool packet to read. It listed the State and HH rules to follow, for all who go to the pool to have an enjoyable, positive time. Please write your name in the sign-in book, (to the right), upon entering. Steve and his dedicated “pool squa”, are providing a welcome and well-maintained pool area. Volunteers are being recruited by Steve Papp at 908-421-3503. If furniture is moved, please return it to the original location. Thank you.
- We do not, yet, have a date for the five-year state inspection. However, the Township Fire Marshall will inspect our building, (not individual units), on Friday, June 21. His inspection includes the basement storage units. A sprinkler system is installed in the ceiling. There must be an 18-inch separation between the pipes and any storage item in your space. It is recommended by the Fire Marshall that the units be neat and orderly.
- Per the discussion at our Board meeting in May, 2024, residents will receive a ballot on June 9thregarding Heather House becoming a smoke-free building.
- Wednesday, June 19, at 7:00 PM is our next condo meeting. We do not have meetings in July or August.
- An early “welcome summer” to all.
Odds and Ends – May 4, 2024
- Saturday, May 25, is the opening day for our pool. Prior to the opening, residents will receive the 2024 pool information packet.
- We were informed by Betty Brooks, from the borough offices, that only electrical items will now be collected from the Township. Items listed in the information memo,(previously distributed to residents), will no longer be collected. Residents will be notified if there is a change to this policy.
- An inspector from Professional Property Appraisers came to our building in February to begin a revaluation of Heather House. If a field inspector has not been to your unit, to make an appointment or have any questions answered, call 1-866-957-1388. All properties in Haddon Township are being reevaluated now.
- Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:00 PM, in the lobby.
Odds and Ends – April 5, 2024
- Monday, April 8, the laundry rooms will be closed for duct cleaning. When they are finished, (after a few hours), the doors will be opened.
- Fire alarms will be tested beginning at 9:00 AM on Thursday, April 18. Reminder notices will be posted.
- A collection for household hazardous waste is scheduled for Saturday, April 13. The location is the Collingswood Public Works facility 713 N. Atlantic Avenue from 8:30 am to 3 pm. Time to clean out for spring cleaning.
- Monday will be an exciting day due to the solar eclipse. Though NJ is not in the path of totality, we will have the opportunity to see a partial (up to 80%) solar eclipse.
- What a surprise this morning, we “felt the earth move under our feet” due to an unexpected earthquake.
- Our April condo meeting is Wednesday, April 17, at 7:00 PM.
Odds and Ends – March 8, 2024
- Daylight savings time begins on the second Sunday in March, which is this Sunday, March 10, at 2 AM. Time to “spring ahead” one hour for more light in our evenings.
- A sturdy cart has been placed in the first-floor trash room to replace the existing unit, (used to collect paper/cardboard). We are testing the cart and will keep you updated on a decision to expand using the cart on the second and third floors.
- Weather permitting, gutters are scheduled to be cleaned this Tuesday, March 12.
- Settlement on unit 42 was completed on March 4th. Please welcome Fiona Dawson to Heather House.
- Our March condo meeting is Wednesday, March 20. We look forward to seeing you at 7:00 PM.
- Thank you for your help.
Odds and Ends – February 9, 2024
- Enough snow fell on Friday, January 19, to require the snow removal services of Joe Bravo and his workers. They capably cleared the parking lot and sidewalks for us.
- Please do not put/leave any electrical item in the recyclable bin or in the trash room. Directions to be followed for the removal of electrical/bulk items is listed below.
- Our nearby Rite Aid will be closing soon. Initially, when the building was proposed, many residents were unsure of any positive benefits of its location. However, this Rite Aid has become a convenient, helpful, (allowing HH residents to use their parking lot when needed), and dependable neighbor. It, along with the employees, who have become friends, will be missed.
- Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday, February 21, at 7:00 PM in the lobby.
Bulk item removal by Haddon Township
Betty Brookes is the contact person for removal of bulky items. It is the residents’ responsibility to contact and arrange the pick-up. She needs be contacted the Wednesday before the Friday pick-up. Haddon Township does pick-ups on Fridays beginning at 7 AM. If for any reason the item is not picked up on a Friday, the item cannot stay in front of the building past 3:00 PM on Friday.
Betty Brookes can be reached by her email at bbrookes@haddontwp.com or 856-833-6260. Betty prefers to be contacted via email; she can also be reached by phone. Always contact Betty, for any questions, concerns or information.
Bulky items include furniture, mattresses, electronic items, such as computers, TV’s, microwaves, coffee makers, lamps, etc. It is the resident’s responsibility to bring their item(s) to the front entrance and place it next to the trash room doors. Do not block the trash room doors.
The Township will not accept materials from construction or a remodel of a unit. Also, no toilets or sinks. This information is from Betty Brookes.
If necessary, there could be “tweaking” to assure that the process always goes smoothly.
Odds and Ends – Tuesday, January 9, 2024
- A healthy and happy 2024 to all of our Heather House residents. There will be 366 days in 2024, because it is a leap year.
- When snow is predicted, please do not park in the three visitor spots next to the pool. They are used for snow removal. As a reminder, orange cones are placed in these spaces. Do not move the orange cones.
- Kitchen drain cleaning is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10th. Neel Plumbing begins by 8-8:30 and finishes by 1:30. Notices have been posted. Do not turn on the water in your kitchen sink until the drains are done. A cordial good morning may be welcome, but do not engage the workers in conversation as they are working.
- Laundry reminder: after your laundry is finished drying, please collect everything you have put in the dryer. Laundry doors are locked at 9:00 PM. Thank you.
- Our Christmas party, in our lovely decorated lobby, was enjoyed by all who were able to come.
- Since the holidays are over, please remove holiday decorations from doors, windows and balconies.
- Our next condo meeting is Wednesday, January 17, at 7:00 PM, in the lobby.
Odds and Ends – November 9, 2022
- Our warm fall weather has suddenly become windy and cold. May we can continue to enjoy the beauty of the leaves as they fall all around us.
- PSE&G has informed us that they will be installing new smart meters in our building. The current meters are located in the electric room in the basement. Installations should take only a few minutes. A brief power interruption will occur while the electrician changes the meter. When we are notified of a date, notices will be posted in the building.
- Kitchen drains will be cleaned on Friday, December 16. We recommend that you plug your drain
between 9 AM and 2 PM. Reminder notices will be posted on the outer doors and bulletin board prior to that date. - Our next condo meeting is on November 16th, at 7 PM. The proposed 2023 budget will be presented at the meeting. A copy of the budget will be delivered to all owners, with the November minutes. A vote on the 2023 budget will be taken at the December meeting.
- Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Odds and Ends – October 8, 2022
- Rain delayed the scheduled date to cover the pool. The pool cover has been put on and the water main has been shut off. The pool is officially closed for the season. We hope everyone had a pleasant time at our pool during the summer of 2022.
- The rugs on all three floors will be cleaned on Thursday, October 20th. A notice will be posted on the outside doors and lobby before the scheduled date.
- Urbano Electric is scheduled to do maintenance on the attic fans on Tuesday, October 11th.
- Cleaning of the gutters is planned for November. Most leaves should have fallen by then.
- Reminder, if you wish to be on the Board of Trustees, please submit an application form by the end of day Monday, October 17th. Applications are on the Credenza in the lobby.
- Our next condo meeting is on October 19th at 7:00 PM in the lobby.
Enjoy the current sunny crisp fall weather. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Thank you for helping to keep Heather House a welcoming place to live.
Odds and Ends – August 15, 2022
- Residents continue to enjoy our pool during these warm summer days. The tentative closing date for the pool is Sunday, September 18. We coordinate the date with Holiday Pool.
- Urbano electricians will replace the electrical box in our boiler room on August 18. This update is required by Seneca, our new building insurance carrier.
- The next drain cleaning is scheduled for Friday, September 16. Reminder notices will be distributed prior to that date.
- For your information, our state is offering residents a ten-day tax holiday period, (this year from August 27th through September 5th), where school items including certain electronics and sports gear can be purchased tax free. It is always a perk if we can get a break on a sales tax.
- Our next condo meeting is on September 21 at 7:00 PM in the lobby.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Thank you for helping to keep Heather House a welcoming place to live.
Odds and Ends – July 16, 2022
- Our pool continues to be a welcome location on our summer’s warm and sunny days. Thank you for signing the pool book when going to the pool.
- We would like to thank our residents for their cooperation in not using the trash chute in preparation and during the cleaning of the chute by Fresh Foam. The technicians were able to thoroughly clean and disinfect the chute efficiently because of everyone’s cooperation . The maintenance procedure will now be done on a yearly basis.
- The floor of the trash room was efficiently scrubbed. Due to the porous nature of the floor, it was painted on Monday, July 11th.
- Following the recommendation of Seneca, our new insurance carrier, the hoses on the washing machines have been replaced. Urbano Electrical has been scheduled to replace an outdated electrical junction box in the basement.
- The Fire Marshall’s annual inspection in June cited several resident’s storage units as being a safety hazard. The Board will notify the residents involved to bring their storage unit into compliance.
- Tristate Masonry were here on July 11th and 12th to do brick pointing on the first level of our building. Other levels will be done over the next year.
- Please remember to firmly turn off the faucet handles on the sink in the laundry rooms.
- Reminder there are no condo meetings in July and August. The next condo meeting is Wednesday September 21st at 7 PM.
- Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping Heather House a welcoming, caring community.
Odds and Ends – April 8, 2022
- We are having a chilly windy early spring. Warmer, April days will be all the more appreciated when they arrive.
- Annual inspections, for our building, have started and continue until July. Inspections include, for example, our fire extinguishers, fire alarms, trash compactor, etc.
- A safety program will be given on Wednesday, April 13th. It will begin at 7:30, immediately after our condo meeting. Presenters include Danny McDevitt Fire Chief / John Young and Ryan Shepard the Fire Marshal. This is an opportunity for all residents to become aware of important, safety information. Sweet treats will be given after the meeting.
- Our pool will open Memorial Day weekend. A pool committee will be organized.
- As mentioned, our next meeting is Wednesday April 13th , at 7 PM. Minutes of this meeting will be distributed to each unit by the following Friday.
- Thank you for helping to keep and maintain our Heather House building.
Odds and Ends – March 10, 2022
- Daylight savings time begins on the second Sunday in March which is this Sunday, March 13 at 2 AM.Remember to “spring ahead” one hour which then will begin to give us more daylight in the evenings.
- On Friday, March 11th, the kitchen drains will be cleaned. Please plug your drain between the hours of 9AM until 2AM.
- The fire safety program planned by Ed Kalesse, with the Haddon Township Fire Chief and EMT personnel, is postponed until the April condo meeting. Reminder notices will be distributed closer to the date.
- Residents can, and do, place their monthly fee payment in the condo box. Another delivery method, which is also used, is to set up this service from your bank. The bank will automatically send HHCA a check every month. The funds will not be withdrawn from your account until after the first of the month. Using this means of payment, takes away a “to do” task to remember each month.
- Our March condo meeting is Wednesday, March 16, at 7 PM. Minutes of this meeting will be distributed to each unit by the following Friday.
- Thank you for helping to keep and maintain our Heather House building.
Odds and Ends – February 9, 2022
- This February has bought us bitterly cold temperatures. The snow from the last storm, at the end of January, has disappeared from our property. Joe Bravo and his team handled the snow removal well.
- Recently, there was a problem in our outside trash room. Though the equipment is called a trash compactor, the machine only pushes the trash thrown down the chutes in the trash dumpster. It does not compact the trash. Therefore, large, heavy trash bags, thrown down the chute, can cause the motor to continuously run and stop its ability to push the trash through to the dumpster. This stoppage occurred last week; it was fixed. However, the constant running of the motor can be detrimental to the machine and the trash removal process. Do not throw large, heavy trash down the chute. Directions on trash removal are in the welcome booklet each resident should have received. Copies are also available in the middle, top drawer of the credenza located in the lobby.
- Fire evacuation map/signs located on the walls, by the stairwells, on both the east and west sides of the building, were redrawn, updated and framed by Bart Healy.
- Our next condo meeting will be on Wednesday, February 16th at 7PM. Minutes of the meeting well be given to each unit by the following Friday.
- Thank you for helping to keep and maintain our Heather House building.
Odds and Ends – January 13, 2022
- A reorganization meeting of the new board was on January 7th. The positions are as follows: President – Janet Sassano, Vice-President – Steve Papp, Treasurer – Denise Healy, Secretary – shared by board, Trustees – Dennis Bush and Lucy Macdonald.
- January arrived with two snow storms. The parking lot, entryways and sidewalks were cleared and salted by Joe Bravo and his crew. When snow is predicted, the three visitor spots next to the pool must be kept open. Please do not park in those spaces during this time. Orange cones are used there as a reminder for everyone.
- We would like to thank Denise and Bart Healy for providing a delicious lunch to many of us at Heather House. Also, thanks to Charlie Schaefer and Lucy Macdonald for delivering them.
- Storage Room: The items along the wall in the storage room were removed. Thank you. Due to Fire Marshal regulations, there should be an 18-inch space below the fire sprinkler heads across the entire storage space in all storage units.
- We are encouraging residents and visitors to wear masks when in the public areas of our building.
- Our next Condo meeting is Wednesday, January 19th, at 7:00 PM. As usual, each unit will receive a copy of the minutes by the Friday after the meeting. We understand resident concerns about attending our meeting.
Odds ands Ends – December 3, 2021
- We hope everyone had a pleasant, enjoyable Thanksgiving. The colors of fall are gone from the lobby. Tomorrow, Saturday, December 4th, at 10:00 AM, the Decorating Committee will decorate the tree/lobby for the Christmas holiday.
- Reminder: Live Christmas trees are not permitted at Heather House.
- On Saturday, November 20th, Westmont Fire Station #1 had a successful fire evacuation drill at Heather House. The new ladder truck was able to reach the upper levels on all four sides of our building. It was a beautiful day for many residents to observe and enjoy their Fire Department practice this drill.
- After communicating with Hutchinson, our heating company, we were officially informed that they will longer service residential issues at Heather House due to business concerns. Hutchinson will continue to handle the HH building on the commercial side. We are looking for other residential heating companies to handle our individual condos. However, residents may choose any heating company for their unit.
- Please do not leave the mailroom front door open. It is a security, esthetic and common-sense issue to keep the door closed.
- Upon entering the basement storage room, our Fire Marshal requires that the area along the wall must be kept clear of any items. If items are not removed by the resident, Fire Code regulations require us to discard the items.
- Our next Condo meeting, in our lobby, is on December 15th at 7:00 PM. The 2022 budget will be voted on for approval by a show of hands by those at the meeting. If you cannot attend, you may leave a vote in the Suggestion box. Give your unit number and vote either yes or no on the budget.
Odds and Ends – November 3, 2021
- Welcome to November – the beauty of the colorful leaves is lovely to see. As the leaves fall and are blown by the wind, please remember to close the front doors after entering and leaving Heather House. Thank you.
- There is a replacement for the live Ficus plant which was in our lobby. The decorating committee chose the new plant, which has Ficus leaves. It will never need watering or sunshine to help it grow. Finishing touches to the plant’s decorative pot are being done over this month.
- Please note that the laundry must be finished by 9:00 PM. Beginning one’s washing/drying after 8:00 PM, is too late to finish by the closing time. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
- Reminder to all that the 1st floor kitchen drains will be cleaned on next Friday, November 12th starting at 8AM.
- A set of keys were found in the visitor’s parking on Thursday, October 21st. The keys do not open our doors. No. 1 Dad is on the key ring. They were immediately placed on the entry table by the elevator for a week, and are now on the buffet in our lobby. A call out to residents who can help us find the owner. These keys will be placed in a drawer of the table, by the elevator, if no one collects them by this weekend.
- Thank you, to our residents who continue to help us keep Heather House a welcoming, considerate environment.
- Our next Condo meeting, in our lobby, is on November 17th at 7:00 PM. The proposed budget for HHCA for 2020 will be present at the meeting. A copy of the budget will go to each resident in November. We will vote on the 2022 budget at the December meeting.
Odds and Ends – September 10, 2021
- Heather House felt the after effects from Hurricane Ida, on the evening of September first. Two huge trees on the Rite Aid side were uprooted. A tree on our lawn, facing Kraft Avenue was split in half causing its branches and limbs to obstruct a section of our sidewalk. (Another tree was sheared by the wind and tree limbs blown off. It will be taken down.) Kraft Avenue was a mess with piles of leaves, tree limbs and branches in the street. Haddon Township personnel put caution tape from Lees Lane to Cornwall. The telephone pole near the corner of Kraft and Lees Lane was bent in half. When our neighbor, Margie, in unit 14, stepped onto her balcony, just feet away were the huge uprooted tree roots–with rain dripping into a puddle in front of them, it was surprising, upsetting and scary. Immediately , her neighbors, Tom and Dennis, were there showing support and concern. Demonstrating respect and caring to Margie, they offered to help in any way possible. It was quite a night. As more residents arrived to see the damage, shocking as it was, we all realized how fortunate we were that everyone was able to return home safely.
- The next day, Thursday, was a beautiful sunny morning. Sal’s Nova Tree Service came early to assess the situation. They soon returned, spending the day, first removing the blockage from the sidewalk and then the fallen trees. They will be back to remove the 3rd tree that was damaged, and then Expert Tree & Landscaping, Inc. will be out to remove the stumps. Joe Bravo, our landscaper, was here to clear the debris spread all over the front, back and sides of Heather House.
- Our closing date for the pool is September 19. We coordinate the closing date with Holiday Pool.
- Next Condo meeting, in our lobby, is on September 15 at 7:00 PM.
Odds and Ends – August 15, 2021
- On August 2, two inspectors from Camden County Division of Environmental Health inspected our pool for the Sanitary Inspection Rating. We are pleased to report that our pool received a Satisfactory rating. A copy of the certificate is on the pool bulletin board. Thank you to Steve Papp for his dedication, attention and coordination in maintaining the operation of our pool.
- Please contact a board member if you are having a mouse issue. Our exterminators are servicing our building both internally and externally.
- A new lobby bulletin board has been ordered. We are awaiting its delivery.
- Quarterly drain cleaning will done the end of August.
- The tentative closing date for the pool is September 19. We coordinate the closing date with Holiday Pool.
- Treasurer’s report, as of August 15: Reserves – $33,877.56, Checking $17,217.52, Savings $30,476.23, CD’s $35,591.08. Total = $117,162.39.
- Next Condo meeting is on September 15 at 7:00 PM. New Jersey COVID regulations will govern our meeting.
- Enjoy the rest of summer. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Odds and Ends – July 16, 2021
- Our pool has provided a welcome respite on these recent sunny and hot summer days. Please remember to sign the pool book upon entering. The book provides us with a tally for the summer.
- The bulletin boards and magazine rack, in our lobby, have been removed. The wall was patched and painted. Our decorating committee will be putting up a new board soon.
- As mentioned in previous board meetings, we want to reiterate the fact that the front doors leading to the mailroom lobby should be kept closed at all times. These doors should not be propped open except when residents are moving items in or out of Heather House. The closure of these doors maintains the security and cleanliness of the area. Our outer lobby is the first visual impression visitors, as well as residents, observe when entering Heather House. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- Realtor lock boxes are now located in the newly placed cabinet in the mailroom lobby. It is on the left wall when entering Heather House. Thank you to the decorating committed who designed the box and Dan D’Amico who built and installed the box.
- We welcome residents who have recently moved in or will be moving in over the summer.
- Thank you to our residents for your continued cooperation with the recent Heather House projects. Enjoy your summer.
Odds and Ends – May 11, 2021
- Last week our parking lot was completed. In addition to paving of designated spots, line and numbers were painted and refreshed. Thanks to Steve Papp for your time and attention to this project.
- Painting has been completed on our third floor. Rugs have been ordered and installation is planned for the week of May 24th. Exact date is to be determined. Third floor residents will be notified. A notice will also be posted on the bulletin board.
- Our new mailboxes have been ordered. Tentative delivery is the week of May 24th. Additional updates to follow upon arrival.
- Opening day for our POOL is set for Saturday, May 28th. A pool information packet will be given to all our residents prior to the opening.
- It is recommended that all residents and visitors keep their cars locked when not in use.
- Our May condo meeting will be Wednesday, May 19th, at 7:00. Following safety practices, it will remain open to 10 residents, including 4 board members. Please call Denise Healy at 856-854-5118 to attend.
- Continued thanks to our residents for your cooperation and for following our COVID safety standards throughout our building.
Odds and Ends – April 5, 2021
- Spring is officially here. Our fall seeding is growing into a lovely green lawn. Although it may not always be welcome, a rainy spring would help our grass continue to grow.
- We certainly had a lot of rain when the lobby floors were done. Finishing touch ups to these areas will be addressed this week.
- Improvement of the mailroom lobby will begin this week. This will include covering exposed pipes and painting woodwork around the inside windows and walls on the left side. The whole area cannot be completely finished until the new mailboxes have arrived.
- As a reminder to our residents, the lobby area is not a venue for personal social events.
- Painting will begin on the third floor this month. Those residents affected will receive the necessary notification.
- Our paving contractor will be here this week to mark out areas where the work will be done.
- Our April condo meeting will be Wednesday, April 14, at 7:00. It is open to 10 residents including 4 board members. Please call Denise Healy at 856-854-5118 to attend.
- Continued thanks go out to our residents for your consideration as we move forward with our “home” improvements, and for continuing to follow our COVID safety standards.
Odds and Ends – March 12, 2021
- Spring is almost here. This week gave us a touch of what we can look forward to, soon.
- On Sunday, March 28, new flooring will be installed by PermaFloor in the mailroom lobby and area around the elevator. Therefore, entry using the front doors of HH and the inside part not covered by carpeting, as well as the lobby, will be closed to residents and visitors. The side entrances will provide access to HH, for the day. The door to the center steps and elevator will not be accessible during this time. This will be a one-day project that we can all help each other get through, successfully. A notice will be distributed, closer to the date, to remind and review details of the project.
- Attached to this Odds and Ends for March, is information on Haddon Township removing “bulky” items. What can be removed, who to contact at Haddon Township and more information are included on the paper. This pick-up service will begin on Friday, March 26, 2021.
- The storage room floor and basement entry floor will be painted next week. A notice with the dates will be distributed. You will not be able to access the basement during painting.
- Our March condo meeting is Wednesday, March 17, at 7 PM. Following safe practices, it is open to 10 residents, including four board members. Please call Denise Healy, 856-854-5118, if you plan to attend.
- Thank you for your help and consideration to our residents and future projects.
Odds and Ends – February 11, 2021
- Enough snow for everyone? The past week did snow us in for a while. As is traditional, residents helped each other in clearing the snow.Please return shovels to the inside doorway when you are done. Remember that the 3 visitors next to the pool may not be used when snow is expected.
- On Monday, February 1, a technician from Amazon spent time at Heather House. When a package is being delivered from Amazon, the delivery person will be able to put in a “one time only” code to bring the package into the lobby. This code will not allow access any other time except when the delivery person is set to be here at Heather House. When the system is activated, packages will not be in the mailroom lobby. There will be a trial period of use, to determine whether this system will work out for us.
- Our next condo meeting will be on Wednesday, February 17 at 7PM. Due to the continuing COVID-19 situation, this meeting will be limited to 10 residents. There will be four board members present. If you would like to attend, you must call so we have a head count. Please call Denise Healy, 856-854-5118 if you plan to attend.
- To our residents and their visitors, as experts keep stressing when indoors – wear masks, open windows, wash your hands and keep your distance of at least six feet.
- Thank you for your help and consideration to our residents and your cooperation with our future projects at Heather House.
Odds and Ends – January 2021
We wish everyone in our Heather House community a healthy and happy 2021.
- A reorganization meeting of the new board was held on January 5. The current positions are as follows: President – Janet Sassano, Vice-President – Steve Papp, Treasurer/Secretary – Denise Healy, Trustee – Lucy Macdonald. We look forward to working together in a supportive and collegial manner. As of December 31, 2020, Rosemarie Chambers resigned from the board.
- On Saturday, January 2, a number of select residents received a flyer under their door. Please note that the Board was not aware of nor approved its distribution. Additionally, the second paragraph contains false information. As per the by-laws, any vacancies that may arise would be filled by the existing Board of Trustees.
- The three lobby/foyer floor samples provided by Perma Floor were on display in the lobby. Gray is the preferred choice of the residents who commented on the selections. We will contact Perma Floor to place an order for the flooring. It will take six to eight weeks for the order to be filled.
- Dare we mention the mailboxes? We will try, again, to make an appointment with the Post Office representative to come to HH. It is necessary for us to get approval for the arrangement of the new mailboxes. When we know, you will know.
- Replacement of the third-floor rugs is tentatively scheduled for May/June. The walls, baseboards and each unit door will be painted before the rugs are installed.
- Information to our new residents regarding pest control — Our building has Mike, from APEX, service our building on the third Thursday of the month. Three condo units may be serviced each month. The sign-up form is on the lobby bulletin board for the 2021 calendar year.
- A reminder to everyone regarding disposal of trash — Please remember to only put garbage type trash down the chute located in the trash/recycling room on each floor. Plastics, wood or unbendable objects will cause jamming of the mechanical operation of the chute.
When this occurs, the motor will not shut off until the object is removed. This noise can be disturbing to residents and will cause harm to the motor. Everyone’s cooperation is appreciated. - As mentioned in the HHCA Welcome Brochure, flushable wipes must go in the trash, NOT the toilet.
- We had a beautiful, sparkling holiday lobby this year. Thank you to our Decorating committee for their time and talent.
- Our last item relates to the January condo meeting. Due to the continuing COVID situation, the January meeting will be limited to ten residents. There will be four board members present. Please contact Denise Healy, 856-854-5118, if you would like to attend. We feel it is important to take precautions at this time. Also, thank you for wearing a mask when walking anywhere in our building and for maintaining social distancing.
Thank you for your continued cooperation with our future projects at Heather House.
Happy New Year to all from the HHCA Board of Trustees