Security & General Rules of Conduct
The most important element of security is you!
Guests should be “buzzed in” by the resident they’re visiting. Do not let anyone into the building who is waiting in the foyer whom you do not know and who may attempt to enter the building with you. This includes workmen.
Security cameras are strategically located to monitor all entrances. Board members have access to the cameras.
In case of any emergency that requires the building to be evacuated, a list of the names and unit numbers of those who will require assistance is posted in the lobby.
The entrance key given to all residents fits all four entrance doors.

General Rules of Conduct for All Common Areas
Clean, safe common areas are important at Heather House. Neighbors work together to achieve this fundamental quality of life element.
Since we all share the common outside area, lobby, halls and stairways, we must keep them clear of all personal items or belongings. Refuse or rubbish is never permitted in these areas. A bicycle rack is provided for storage behind the pool shed. As for unit doors, appropriate seasonal decorations are permitted.
As a courtesy to your neighbors, please control the volume of TVs, radios, etc. Keep in mind that you have neighbors in close proximity to your home – on either side, across the hall, above and below your unit.
Children are welcome at Heather House. However, they are not permitted to play or run in the halls, entrances, stairways, elevator, lobby or parking lot.
Between the hours of 10:30pm an 8:00am no work involving repairs (e.g. hammering, drilling) or other loud noises are allowed within any unit.