201 W Cuthbert Boulevard • Haddon Township NJ • 08107

The Pool

Your residency includes membership to the Heather House swimming pool.

The pool is open from 10:00am to 8:00pm every day from Memorial Day to Labor Day, weather permitting. However, the hours from 10:00am to 1:00pm are reserved for adults.

There are no lifeguards posted, so use of the pool is at your own risk. All children under 16 years old using the pool must be accompanied by an adult.

Owners that are delinquent in their Association fees will not be permitted in the pool area until all fees are current. 

You are welcome to bring guests to the pool. The following rates apply:
Daily Guest Pass:  $5.00
Season Membership:  $50.00

Please contact a Board member to purchase Daily Guest or Season Membership Passes.

Upon request, you will be given the combination to the pool gate’s lock. You are responsible for locking the gate if you are the last to leave the pool area. 

Heather House is obligated to follow the State of New Jersey’s Sanitary Code for Bathers and Swimming Pools. This State mandate is revised each year and is posted on the bulletin board in the pool area.